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Green Awareness


​The Green Project focuses on using a business-minded approach to help college level students and elementary school students build awareness of the “green” movement and how to become environmental friendly through changing individual behaviors. For the elementary school program, USC Enactus combined business and economic concepts with envi- ronmental aspects to teach kids to turn recycled items into usable products. We expanded our projects by bringing the program to more schools with different target age groups. We specifically targeted the younger generations in order to build green awareness at an early age, in order to achieve greater social benefits in the future.


We achieved the goal of building the awareness of three Rs -- recycle, reuse, and reduce among students at different levels. The college students we contacted realized that by making small changes in their lifestyle, they could cut down on daily expenses while being eco-friendly. And the elementary school students we taught learned how to be entrepreneurs in an environmentally-friendly way. The result was that there was a 16% percent increase in the students quiz scores based on their improved knowledge on recycling. And the lessons they learn may also bring more positive externality to the community daily changes.

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